Tenju Matcha
Tenju Matcha
This is the Marukyu-Koyamaen tea portfolio’s most expensive and award-winning tea. (Matcha prized at The All-Japan Competitive Tea Exhibition). Tenju, or "Tea from Heaven,” is some of the finest koicha matcha available.
Tenju boasts an exquisitely sophisticated composition and is truly one for the connoisseurs. Prepared as Usucha or thin tea it is ethereal in its lightness, boasting the softest of flavors. Prepared as Koicha or a thick, creamy tea, it releases its soft, sweet, delicate flavors slowly, eventually. resulting to a lingering umami. Net weight: 20g
Preparation Guide
STEP 1) Put 2g (0.4 US tsp, 1 teaspoon or 2 chashaku scoop) matcha powder into a Chawan.
STEP 2) Pour 70 ml (2.4 fl oz) water between 55-80℃ (176°F) over the matcha powder.
STEP 3) Whisk with a chasen (tea whisk) until foamy.
❖ Before Step 1, Warm your tea bowl. To. do this, pour hot water in it, then discard all the water and (optional) wipe the bowl dry with a cloth. If you skip this step, your warm water could cool down too quickly as the bowl absorbs the heat, which could turn the matcha bitter.
❖ Sift your matcha powder. (Strongly recommended) Matcha clots easily in water. To prevent this, sift the powder through a fine sifter.
❖ When your matcha is ready, drink it immediately, because as it cools down it might turn bitter. (Recommended)
❖ When it comes to matcha, the fresher the better. We recommend consuming it within a month after opening, and storing it in an airtight container in the fridge.
❖ Try iced matcha: pour the finished matcha over ice.